Praying for Sunrise
Indescribable madness this night,
A behemoth’s sledgehammer bangs down its incessant wrath;
There are no shelters here.
God help us.
They burned the whole city,
Electricity out, internet down, access roads destroyed;
Dark and Dangerous.
Broad winged creatures with razor sharp talons
hum their dire announcements of the coming woe.
Streaking Vipers bring haphazard thunder, everything flying everywhere.
Car alarms.
It’s calmer now, hopefully the worst has passed.
Home invasions come tomorrow;
But tonight we are
praying for sunrise
A behemoth’s sledgehammer bangs down its incessant wrath;
There are no shelters here.
God help us.
They burned the whole city,
Electricity out, internet down, access roads destroyed;
Dark and Dangerous.
Broad winged creatures with razor sharp talons
hum their dire announcements of the coming woe.
Streaking Vipers bring haphazard thunder, everything flying everywhere.
Car alarms.
It’s calmer now, hopefully the worst has passed.
Home invasions come tomorrow;
But tonight we are
praying for sunrise